Inferno Metal Festival 2023
By Federico Escobar
It’s quite funny to be at a festival abroad, after so many years realising, it’s feels the same as before, but the faces are all new and the little “I wonder if people are here from other years, other festivals” that all of us run into. But the thing is, after a few beers one is quickly to find new people to talk with and that’s also part of the journey to travel alone or with few others to a festival abroad and I can really recommend that. People are often very nice and forthcoming.
Meeting up with my friend on the day of arrival, having a few beers and talk before check-in on the hostel is available. So we go to Vaterland, but it is impossible to get up and the queue alone is optimistic long. But the beer is flowing downstairs, the people are cheering as they meet again, and the metal is in the air. What is not to like and you can hear the music from upstairs anyway.
The queue went around the building as people patiently stood wating to enter the Rockerfeller. The feeling of “I missed this” - joyful appeared and it was all worth the trip. For me and I guess for many, 2022 was a quiet festival year and although most festival where back in business, not all chose to go or cut down on the number of festivals.
Entering Inferno; the wardrobe is straight to the left and it costed around 50 NOK to leave jacked or bag there. To the right the entrance to the smoking area and small food stand that sold very small but super tasty pizza’s for 175 NOK. 10 NOK = 1€ - roughly speaking.
Later I also found out, that there was a door in where entered a small room you could sit and perfectly could hear the music from John Dee stage and it even had a bar, although it was never opened. Still puzzled why they didn’t open up the bar.
Straight ahead, when entering, was a steep path up to the Rockefeller and the main stage. In front of the mainstage, behind the sound mixer are stairs up to the first floor. Here there is a balcony one can stand a have a super view over the stage. In front there are seats and at the side, people can stand. Behind are a small bar and toilets to be found and stairs that goes further up. There is also possibility to have a look down on the stage and the crowd, small beer stall and a door to the roof area outside, where one can hang out and also buy food at the little food stall in the middle. It was burger and sausages from moose for roughly 195 NOK. I wasn’t that hungry, but maybe later I thought. Never happened and think I should have tried.
At the right small organisations had their stalls, some music to mostly tattoo artistes + the Meet & Greet area than had a big screen where one could see the band from the main stage playing. But it didn’t seem many used that opportunity since you couldn’t sit there, and it was only a few meters from the actual stage. Of course, it’s nice for the people at the stands to see some concerts, but I did wonder why they then didn’t put up a TV in the small “yet closed bar” area between the John Dee and the smoking area. Missed opportunity?
Leaving, the area, passing a small music stand, cross the main stage area and you enter the merch area, official t-shirts of the bands that plays the given day, the festival stand for Midgardsblot Festival. Awesome festival merch/clothing, just a bit too pricey for my budget.
It’s also here one finds the stairs down to John Dee.
Even for me, as a Scandinavian, Norway is really expensive, so I don’t even want to know what other people thinks and buying beers all day only left me with, hope for the best since I am too old to whore myself out while singing and old tune
Everybody's talkin' at me I don't hear a word they're sayin' Only the echoes of my mind
Going into the most-pits, front stage, filming a bit, enjoying the atmosphere is still one of the best things, made even better with bands that just give a great performance. First and one of the best was oddly enough a band that was pulled in at the last minute, Blood Red Throne, who, for me, blasted people away with their brutal death metal and fun performance not taking themselves too seriously and that just added to the fun of watching their tight show. Perfect way to start Inferno Festival for those that managed to get a place at John Dee stage. It was packed! Band that had to cancel was unfortunately 1914, so missed them once again.
During the first day and the bands just continually came blasting one by one. Great, but the following also meant that the horns and smiles where up on a high level where it’s not so much a problem to drink beers. Shit that has to hurt my account!
Great to see Emperor again, Dark Funeral, but also a bit slow following Cannibal Corpse and my mood was just set for a bit more speed.
The main bands for me Day 2, was with no doubt Nile, since I had not seen them for ages, and they delivered are great performance. Together with the Gaerea, Watain, Vemod, Arcturus, the line was set for a killer day.
Saturday, another killer day, set by bands like Odium, Wolves in the throne room, Harikiri for the Sky, Amorphis and best off all, for me of course, Masacre from Colombia. Crowd blasted away and pulled into their grip. So good to see and experience.
The days were counted and the trip home, was set with all the problems one could have, which is also a lesson learned, for the 117th time, don’t get drunk the day before you have to departure. What a trip home, full of good memories and what follows.