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Copenhell 2019 review - part III

Published on June 26th, 2019

At the moment, when MJ and I took a stroll around the area, which ended up only being me, since the wind again was strong and cold and MJ sought quickly into hidding in the pressroom. I passed by Living Colour and stood and tried to remember, that I actually listen to them “back in the days” and it was my first time to see them and I didn't really cared much. Not that it was bad, I wasn't in the mood. 
Cold, warm, wet, cold, colder, warm, sometimes warmer to really warm, then cold, wet and too wet and too cold. It's a classic here, at least it isn't muddy. 
Walked around and thought I better be a nice guy. Some pancakes might make little popstickel of and MJ in a better mood.
In the VIP area, there was some shelter for the wind and we walked a bit outside. Combination of sun and the Orange Goblin playing in the background, I took on myself to get a few minutes on the side in the comfy sitting area. 
I really needed that. Orange Goblin sounded nice, but I also think it was because they made me fall asleep rather than me finding it awesome. 
With renewed energy and a MJ on my tail, we strolled up to see Amon Amarth and what a killer show. People cheering, jumping, the band blasting out from the scene and even MJ was more than impressed.  
Tall stood the vikings on the stage in the setting sun and around us rose the dust high and thick and the flames on stage burned. The mosh and circle pit took the last energy out of people, even if they seemed to have unlimited amount of it. Next stop was Municipal Waste, great thrash metal and saw a bit of Eluveitie. With those I had a bit annoying experience on WOA many years earlier, but I could see it was, back then, due to bad sound. It was much better here. That, I am getting older or I was too tired and just needed some background noise hehe. No, they really weren't that bad. 

We managed to avoid Rob Zombie, which I was really happy about. So the next were the last bands. 
Unfortunately for me, Copenhell had chosen to let The Psyke Project play at the same time as Dimu Borgir, which didn't really work for me. MJ was back in the pressroom and I took half of both shows, which still at given time, annoys me a bit.  
The Psyke Project, literally destroyed the Pandamonium stage and Dimmu Borgir gave a visual great satanic show
Getting MJ walking a bit around and then taking her, a little against her tired will, to see Scorpions. Not only does she know their music, since it's a bit of a famous rock band I really didn't want her to miss it. 
Scorpions are old but for me, they still had a lot of good energy on stage and played a lot of hits. Since it wasn't my first time and we both got hungry, we decided to hunt for food. Also the perfect moment, since everyone is at the concert and the line thus for is small to none existing. I like it that way. As one of their biggest hits started - Wind of Change, I send MJ off and finshed my food. 
The short version. 
As MJ came back she smiled enormously and showed me a guitar pick the guitarist from Scorpions had given/thrown especially to her. I guess is uncertain, but not only did it really made her day, her festival, it also was the beginning for her to become; a metalhead!  People around her had been kind and pushed her in front and once in front the guitarist had seen her, waves and walked to the edge of the stage and carfully thrown the pick to her.


On our way home, we made a pitstop at the viking area, meeting some friends, talked a little and as it was time for Uada to play, they went to the concert and we went home. Tired, used and worn out but really happy. 

The bus, the train and the last steps to the apartment, Copenhell was over and we could finally get a good night sleep. 

Although it doesn't always work out with the weather, the fact that many people didn't came this year, it was still amazing. MJ was introduced to metal nice and slow, but also far colder than I had hoped. But it was expected. 
The wind throughout the festival was a killer though. 
CopenExpensive, CopenDust, CopenWind, CopenFamily, CopenHell


It was a Sunday

and it was all over! See you all in 2020!

By: MJ Escobar Federico Escobar

It was a Saturday – also known as the last day


Having, more or less, been at it since Monday, with only Tuesday off, we were all beat and wasn’t really in any mood. Except I once again started the day with Jack D and Cocio. Fuck that is a great way for slowly starting the engines .
I think Saturday was more a little bit of everything, bands we missed, more than bands we saw and all the things between. 
At the gate of Copenhell I felt heavy in my feet and even the weather didn’t seem too hostile, I was still wondering if I didn’t just needed a propper shower and sit in my undies on the sofa watching some stupid tv show instead.

But let’s face it, it was only for a minute. The relaxed atmosphere was probably caused more by this being the final day rather than this being a day with a quiet line-up, but it's wasn't.


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