Copenhell 2019 review - part II
Published on June 26th, 2019

Bands played and we went here and there in slow-motion with kickass headaches and no reason to hurry.
Slash went on stage with Myles Kennedy and the Who-Are-They and played some songs. Next, no mood for this.
Meeting friends, hanging out. Trying to explain MJ it’s not that cold, but who am I kidding, it was cold! The wind was cold, the sky was cloudy and the sun had gone hiding.
We had a quick meeting at Udgård and we decided to see Halestorm, but quick stop at this metal hiphop band, Fever 333, which apparently was half way to Satan. It was quite good. Still not in the high gear and mood, but getting there? No, but at least my feet didn’t hurt yet.
Halestorm was a great surprise. This we were in the mood for. Really nice concert and the band had a good grip in the crowd and blasted out from the stage. Cool.
I never found warmth that day and even seeing Tool, wasn’t really getting me in this “wow” kinda mood. Yes, it was good and arty fartie strange as I excepted. But our heart was more in the people around us and the atmosphere of Copenhell.
I had this idea I wanted to see Vltimas, unfortunately it’s never easy to get home and to avoid too many public transport troubles, we went home shortly after Tool, still wondering if I liked it and wanted to go art critic on it or just disliked it and wanted to go “I want more than a music video and a weirdo show”. I still wonder about that btw.
Home, not easy, sleep, every easy!
It was a Friday
We woke up, I was in a way better mood. I still had a few ticks from the first day of drinking and I knew, I needed a little kick, so being brave as fuck, I started the day with Jack D and Cocio (Danish chocolate milk) and tried to shake the hangovers from my shoulders. Maybe this day would count!?
Naaah, my feet hurt. I am too old for this shit!
Food on the way, first band and we were there! Unleashed; gave it up and I was happy! But for me, one of the best experiences this year was Alien Weaponry. An old guy from New Zeeland living in Copenhagen, took it upon him to teach a bunch of people a Haka chorography, practiced and when the band played, a huge crowd of people did it. It was so amazing to see, wow! I was sold! It did also help that I really liked the music, the energy from the young guys and the crowd moving!
Hard set to surpass and with the next band, an old Danish band called Pretty Maids, it didn’t. Shortly after, Baest (DK) gave a kick ass performance. Again the crowd was on fire! This seemed to become a great day. Next up was Lamb of God and a CopenDust moshpit hit us in the head as we entered into the center of the pit! Best place in the world.
Surviving the pit isn’t that hard nor easy. My glasses hit the ground without me but managed to pick them up so fast that a person in front of me just gave me the “what the fuck happened” look and I laughed, thinking, “..well it’s not my first time kiddo!”
Later we went up hill to friends and looking over Copenhell I could see, it had become larger and seeing the cloud of dust raising high in the evening sun always makes me happy.
This is a motherfucking invitation, the only one you could ever need!
Clutch gave a super southern rock performance, as always, and once the sun slowly tried to set we talked about whether or not to see Slipknot. I didn’t really care much, so we went to see a few songs and decided, food as more important. Besides, I was only waiting for Heilung and Belphegor. Two bands I really wanted to see and then they play at the same fucking time! Damn if you do, damned if you don’t!
Home, check. Happy day done, check. Sleep, check! Somewhere in the end we didn’t wanted to stay and drink, the beds at home were screaming and the luxury of being in a festival where we don’t have to crawl into a cold tent, kinda lured us home.
It was Thursday
Fresh; no! Ready; no! Going to hell; I am already there!
Looking in the mirror, I guess we had a tiny bit more beer than I thought. Heavy metal head, skip shower, a little whiskey cola, went well, brave to open a beer. Bad idea, my friend and I quickly regretted that haha and it never amounted more than a single sip.
As we were on the way, we searched for something to bite. The clouds looked dark, but at least with no rain.
Food, we didn’t find, we where late and not in much mood to do anything. I grabbed a soda and pancakes, the Festcampers were pretty beated. Myslef from the drinking and rain, MJ from the cold weather and rain. Easy day in the great outdoors!