The opening day saw a great party at the Beach bar, as it had a large tent in which were variety of programs whole week long, from DJ, naked vollyball match to metal karaoke. Mainstage had it start scheduled from 05:00 pm but for some it was still to hot to take it to the Mainstage with exceptions of few days with a cool showers of rain to take off the heat, but still the Mainstage was reserved for the evening planning for most of visitors.
The Second stage had it own charm as it was designated to have a first and last show of the day. First bands started out around 02:00 pm, just the right time when you want to hear some smaller bands and afterwards have a good cold dip into the Soca river. After last show around 02:00 am it was time to pack up and head down to the Beach bar, because at Metaldays the party never stops ;)
The variety of possibilities that Metaldays provides, keeps getting better each year. Sometimes the opportunities seems overwhelming (not in a bad way) because even though it is a week long holiday it still consumes time to try out what festival has to offer. From paragliding, hiking and visiting monuments around Tolmin to a drinking games with your friends, parties by the beach and great show during the day. It's not that kind of exhausting but maybe you won't do all those things this year, but hey, there is always a next year, right :) Exactly that kind of managment and organization makes a good festival even better and it took Metaldays to a whole new level. It doesn't have to call up great (costly) bands to be the top festival destination, it must have a variety of fun, pleasure and everything that goes hand by hand with a true holiday/festival to keep it up. As for the visitors, they will come back next year and each year to come as long as it's more of a metal holidays than a regular festival. In the end as you realize that the tremendous amount of good and quality time really speeds up things up there in the ''party mountains'' of Tolmin, Slovenia it all comes down to another motto that they had for this year and it's
''The days you'll always remember'' and truly, you will.
''What else matters'' was one of the mottos of this year Metaldays edition and yes, what could else matters? This year Metaldays saw a great marking point of it's past and future editions as it was the first time ever that they were sold out. The limit of 12 000 visitors was justified and has shown us that Metaldays is something different, something more than regular metal festival, it became ''oasis'' for metalheads as a holiday, festival and all in all a great summer adventure.
The bands billing was as always, a good combination of metal genres from Inquisition to Kadavar, to Immolation and Ghost Brigade and etc. This year we could see some of the main names in death metal such as Obituary, Possessed, Vader, Immolation and they have really shown us what is the old school of death metal all about. As said there was a bit of everything for someone as the headliners were fully packed by the crowd each day. Satyricon, Opeth, My Dying Bride, Megadeth, they all had a great connection with the crowd and as they said, it really felt like home at Metaldays, especially Sabaton as the last day Mainstage headliner. With their pyrotechnics fully loaded for Metaldays to go out with a blast on the last day they really shown us how grand Metaldays has become and how much crowd surfing could you get throughout whole concert show.

Written by Mario ''Sistem'' Vukobratović
Photo by Kristina Trupeljak