Metal After Christmas Party
Published on December 28th, 2015
It's been a long time since metal-heads had their own holiday around the winter solstice, so we definitely got our death/thrash metal treat on December the 26th, 2016. So leave the baby Jesus at home because silent night was just an empty word on that foggy evening, thanks to the four local bands.
The concert was held in the club called Epic, consisting of four bands under the name of Black Flame, Kymera, War-Head and Noisome Mind. The club was already familiar with metal concerts as were the audience, providing a better sound and a much bigger venue.
Black Flame started around 21:30, with little delay which is complimentary on the side of the organization. Founded in the summer of 2010, the band slowly but surely developed their sound during this time and give a solid warm-up for the upcoming bands as well for the audience that were filling the club during their gig. With their more modern approach in metal and trademark outfits, the band has given a solid gig and a good opening for the other bands.

After a short break, Kymera took over the stage around 22:30. Formed back in 2006, backed with their album Stillborn released on Miner Records in 2013 and two videos Alive in Pain and Under your Skin.
The band faired a better sound, especially on the vocals. Apart of the vocals, the front man wearing a t-shirt of another kick-ass band Infernal Tenebra, had a great communication with the audience on which the audience reacted very positively. Their sound can be described as a more modern death/thrash metal with great break-downs in the middle. Which is also a great feat that the bass was pretty much prominent which is rarely the case on this type of concerts.

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The local veterans War-Head were next, although they needed no introduction, playing self-titled Deathrash for Armageddon Millenium (a combination of old school thrash and death metal) since 2002. In 2014 band released their second full length album for Miner Records under the title Imperum Mundi. Release of the album was followed by two European tours one being headline tour and another with Vulcano and Nifelheim. Combining setlist of old and new material such as While the blind leads the blind, Terrorizer, Mass immolation and their hymn War-Head. The audience was more or less creating mosh-pits from the first and last note they played. Such energetic performance I have not seen for quite a while. They haven’t played in Osijek for a long time so the wait was paid off for sure. A big praise goes to their drummer Piper who in both bands War-Head and Kymera with no fucking sweat.
Great job man.

The last but not least, Noisome Mind started around 1 a.m. to a surprisingly still big crowd and great atmosphere. Combining the set list with their own tracks and several covers from Slayer, Anthrax, Pro-pain, Candlemass and even Sisters of Mercy – Lucretia my Reflection but in the vein of Warrel Dane˙s cover. Having a bit something for everyone and fitted quite well in their more diverse genre that they are playing. Covering them quite great I might add, especially Black Dwarf from Candlemass which is my personal favorite. Mostly the last bands get the shortest straw considering measure of the crowd, playtime and what-not, they were an good exception in this case.

A big horns up goes to the bands and the crowd that kept the gigs going with frequent encores, especially the younger metal-heads that can put us older fuckers to shame.
Till the next head-bang, stay heavy.
Written by Tomislav Debelić
Photo by Juraj Ćurić