Copenhell 2018 review - part III
Published on June 25th, 2018
A Nice Evening In Hell
The prices, as mentioned, are high every year, but this was different, since it was possible to collect cups and other items for refund money and by taking this to the bar, you could just switch to another beer or two. Which meant, walking around and meeting people, that sometimes makes you end up looking at the ground for valuable trash. That sensation was rather weird and new for me and some were better at it than others.
Returning to the bar inside the B&W building with the Wolf logo on the outside, Trutten, I managed to find a group of friends, beer and a credit card that slowly started to hate me, a little bit like how I hate winter snowstorms when I am on a bike to work.
Listing to Alice in Chains in the background on the hill, I quickly realised, it was great to see the band, but I just liked the comfort of sitting down with a beer more. So spoken, so acted. It’s never really a waste to meet up with friends over a beer or 5, but it might fuck up your program if you wanted to watch bands and now we are at a festival and the opportunity is there. Well..
Kreator was kicking ass as always and in the mist of friends and crowd it was impossible not just enjoy this. Sure my feet were beginning to hurt from walking around here and there on the concrete and small rubble (I do prefer grass). Sure I was a tiny bit cold, but I had changed to warmer clothes and wasn’t in such a bad state.
I watched at least 2 minutes of Ozzy Osbourne, mostly because after Kreator we were just standing, talking, drinking, I fled to Biergarden before Enslaved.
Enslaved turned out to be just what I expected it to be. Tight, brutal, satanic and just really nice. The crowd was once again in the grasp of the playing band, but it was getting late and my concentration had left me somewhere along the time in Biergarten. I kindly said my goodbyes and took a detour to Danko Jones, which I wasn’t in the mood for at all and headed for the bus. This time knowing I could get home without too much waiting. Important, because tomorrow I hope again to be there at an earlier and since I don’t feel like camping, yes I might be getting old, but I also do live “close” and I rather choose my bed over an air mattres slowly losing air.
The Last Day In Hell
The beginning of an Outtro
The 5th day, the 5th time to get my arse out there and trying to make sense of it all. It’s not because it doesn’t make sense, it is because, when you have the opportunity to go to a metal festival, see the bands you like, meet friends you don’t see that often and know your going to have a great time and still think you rather just stay in bed or at least move to the sofa for some old Star Trek TV show, then it doesn’t make that much sense to leave the comfort of my sofa. At first.
After having attended a lot of concerts, I think more often what is the best for me to see and experience. There are many bands I like, but who doesn’t “do it” for me, because live they are either boring or the crowd is boring at given place.
Some bands are great, when you are shit faced drunk and the weirdest boring shit is good but then you see them sober and you wonder; do I really like this?
I have the greatest of memories of Wacken 2009 with my girlfriend, a mosh pit and Amon Amarth, we were drunk and crazy. 2014 with another girl, sober at the same band and I realised it was just bad and we left after a couple of songs.
Also the problem can be, the crowd in Denmark doesn’t move much. The have a tendency to just stand there and “enjoy” the concert. Which I sometimes find very frustrating. At times, it makes me leave the concert because I might as well just find some friends and share a beer with them. Unfortunately you sometimes meet people who can’t stop talking at a concert and in front. Why? If you want to talk, go to the back or to the bar.
This feeling sometimes gets to me after a couple of days of Copenhell, because I am not in a tent, I am not “out there”, it doesn’t really feel like a festival and it doesn’t feel as necessary to return as it otherwise is. Until I am out there and hate that I didn’t left earlier.
But I got up. I got ready and this time it wasn’t because of a metal band I had seen several times. No, it was something special that was waiting for me and I was fashionably late as always.
Show me what you got CopenHell, the first concert on the last day!
From Batman, Super Mario to the Halls of the Mountain King!
The frontline is now everywhere. The talented Mr. RestInPieces is out for another kill. Identity crisis. It’s a metal festival but the two things that are most important today aren’t even close to have anything to do with metal!
The program is open for suggestions and honestly it looks weak. A lot of rock, some repeats and a lot of “maybies”, a lot of “I don’t care”, so why the hurry to get out there?
Jacob Stegelmann! And getting ready for World Cup 2018, Deutschland vs. Sverige!
Of course, none of you have any idea what I am about to tell, but for 35 years, Jakob Stegelmann had a TV Show, where he fights our parents for our right to; play board games, video games, read fantasy books, introducing generations to superheroes, villains, animation, the things that lies beneath, special effects in films, make-up, cosplay, rollplays for the young to the older and to those that refuses to grow up.
In Denmark, he is a God and you don’t keep a God waiting, you invite him to CopenHell!
Running from the bus, looking at the watch. Freck!. Through the gate, up the path, BATMAN’s theme song, 1966! Phone up. Livestream, check! Around the corner!
A huge crowd of people listing to Jakob Stegelmann talking about the old TV show and comics of Batman, turning to modern day Batman from Christopher Nolan and the music from Hans Zimmermann. But it get’s much better. Especially because I don’t give a freck about Nolan’s shitty Batman films. Listing to Superman, the Movie theme and seeing people crowdsurfe in superman style is just a bit too awesome at this hour!
We change format an went further back in a time when cartoons were the most brutal shit in the cinema. Loony Toons and get a great piece of Tom and Jerry with foley sounds. How great! Watching the whole crowd lift their hands and wave forth and back to the music of the levels of Super Mario, with 1 end level and one water level from the original game was more than great. He tells a lot about the stories behind the films, tv shows, comics, cartoons, games and comes to climax. Since there is many versions out there, I’ve heard the piece for the first time in the German film M, from 1931, when I was a teenager, he wants to show us the original version. The Halls of the Mountain King from 1875 from the play Peer Gynt. If you don’t know it, you probably do, then find the original version and listen! It’s a must.
The crowd was cheering, but the song starts slow, so it’s hard to hear anything, the circle pit slowly starts in front of me and as the song progresses the circle pit grows larger and larger, the music gets louder and louder and it’s now only a matter of seconds before it not only turns into the biggest circle pit at CopenHell this years but also the happiest of moments. People are just amazed, smiling and overwhelm from what’s going on, on the stage and inside the crowd. The concentration is high but every now and then an eye turn to the event down and a smile lures in the faces of the musicians of the orchestra! This is why I love metalheads. They just want to have fun! In an intelligent way of course. I just want more Super Mario on my festivals from now on.
It’s never easy to let go and from a guy screaming, Jakob please have my babies! To Jakob is God, he continues one last round to please our little childish fan hearts. From Indiana Jones to the fanfare of 20th Century Fox to the most know follow up on that tune. Star Wars main theme and of course The Imperial March also more commonly known as Darth Vaders theme.
The world at Copenhell had become a little richer and smiles a lot larger.
I finally got to eat a nice burger, have a beer and talk with my friend about the show and what to see the remain of the day, knowing from here on it’s most likely downhill.
It turned out to be a little space for Suffocation, but Igorrr was up later and so was Deutschland vs Sverige and I went to B&W’s small shitting joke of a “big screen” to watch the game with a lot of others. The Swedish flag was up and it took me few seconds to know I was outnumbered, but was I outgunned? After a few minutes and only one German friend, the game was 0 - 1 in the favour of Sweden and nothing to do than watch “Der Untergang” from this team that had no ideas what they were doing.
A break and reunion.
Some of my German friends had skipped and I was a bit too nervous to sit down, so we bought a beer and then waited for the exit of the former World Champions. But as irony wanted it, 45 seconds before the end, the crowd has already taken much joy in watching our Scandinavian neighbours beat our neighbours to the south when a free kick turned the event to 1 - 1 and yours truly got to jump into the air for the second times today of joy! Too much drama!
That was it for me at Copenhell. 2 great events that had nothing to do with metal, at a metal festival, that made me wanted this to last forever!
This called for a great beer, so returning to Dinning on Wheels, grabbing good beer, we smiled and walked around for some concerts and meetings avoiding Helloween and passing by Alestorm.
In the tent The Art of Pain I meet two artist, the local danish Nargiz and Eliran Kantor. It was really cool to talk to them and talk about art. Always makes me wish I could draw/paint like that. Brilliant work.
Snoozed past Satyricon, great as always, but wasn’t really in the mood. I had my fill for this year and was full of great moments. We slowly decided to say goodbye to Copenhell. It was great and expensive.
On the way home, having said goodbye to my friends and trying to feel the day, the days and summon it all up, the only thing that hit my mind was, I should have ordered 3 pancakes and not only two when I left! Frecking good pancakes!!!
Thanks to friends, bands, crew and organizers, crowd, artists, bartenders, volunteers, strangers, alcoholic nemesis and you I never met.
See you at Copenhell 2019!
Returning home, at a nice hour, waking up early, doesn’t mean my brain is with me. Starting to wash clothes and not checking the pockets turned out to be one stupid thing to do! Not only was my CopenHell program everywhere on all my clothes, it was not just everywhere in my washing machine. It fucking still in tiny fragments I can’t get out!
Still laughing about this now 2 month later and after survived MetalDays and Death Feast. Shit, life is strange in a good way!
Amores Perros! Love is a bitch!