Copenhell 2016 - Live report part 2
Published on June 30th, 2016

Day Two
I had to give up, not because I found the weather and 8 hours of pouring rain bad. It was rally bad, as I came home from work and woke up, my mind was anywhere but at CopenHell. New SIM card, ordering new credit cards and others lost stuff, dealing with police reports and just being in doubt how to buy the most simple things had drained me of energy.
I was still thinking to hit CH during the later hours to see the last couple of bands, but as we finished a late dinner and the thunder slowly returned only to let us remember the day before, I was glad I didn't left the sofa. It was incredibly bad weather again and it didn't stop for hours...
Watching some stupid show pn the telly, I was thinking about Day 3... and honestly, I wasn't having positive thoughts.
Day Three
Returning to Hell was a bit a hazel. Well, I was so lucky that another friend drove me out there and I can't thank him enough, because I probably wouldn't go if I had to travel on my own. Then again, the first band of the day was Clawfinger, which is one of my favourite bands and the whole reason I thought the line up at CopenHell looked good. Walking up the road again it felt different, a few more people then on Day 1 and it was cloudy but cool and you could see it had been raining alot. The ground at the main area was dark and there and there was quite large puddles of water to be found, but the people seemed to care less. Mostly because we are used to that it rains a lot during CopenHell and in general, but it's always something different when you have to be outside and for a longer time period.
Clawfinger went on the stage and gave it might hell. I was surpriced they played a lot of old songs from their first record like; Nigger, The Truth, Catch me and Rosegrove. But it was a joy to see them having fun and they are always doing a good show and taking the crowd with them. I was looking a bit around after a great concert, searching for friends, with no money, no beer, no shenanigans and also, no food. The cold wind was blowing a lot and even if it didn't rain, yet, looking up, I constantly had a threatening feeling that it might rain at any given time.
Later I hanghout with some friends and luck was a bit there again. They bought some beers they really didn't like but I found it okay, so I got a few beers, which was so nice and generous of them. Hidding inside a small tent, we waited for Havok to play and went there.
Havok gave their best and people loved it. Thrash metal, pure and just full of energy and forward! This can only result in nice little happy mosh pits and circle pits. Which of course I had to try, since I've been robbed on first day I had to clear out the head, the mood and just jump around. Pushing out the bad incident from Thursday it was finally beginning to look like good and fun.
After the concert we split and again I went around looking for people and amazingly enough, I knew so many here and found so few. Where were they? Even with a few texting it took a while, but we succeeded. Took some food and had talk about the situation at this years CopenHell. As they told me, it was good that this started to look like a real festival, but the mood out there was still a bit strange. Last night King Diamond played and tonight it was Black Sabbath's last concert, so there was a lot of “no” festival goers here that maybe just created a bad vibe since they weren't use to it. In any case, it had been a strange year at CopenHell and I could only nod to that. Like me, I had walked quite a while meeting no one and knowing I actually know so many, I had started to wonder who the people here were. There was so many old people from 50 years and up, which I didn't mind at all, but it could be their grumpiness effected the atmosphere out here.
We went short for a minute to Bersærk, that really kicked ass, Danish band, only to move one to Decapitated. They didn't disappoint but it felt like it wanted to rain again, a few drops and even the mood was good, we kinda felt like we might as well be ready to go hidding. But nothing really happened and a beer was next on the program. Beer a quick look at Dark Funeral and I was in a good, but colder mood. The temperature has dropped and even their “heart warmth fire on stage and hail Satan” couldn't get me warm enough, so we skipped it fast. One of the things was also that Black Sabath was playing and a few friends wanted to see this from up front and I didn't really care and at one point, a friend shouted “..this sucks I am going home” and he left. But to his defends, he was really drunk. So I popped in and out of the concert not really knowing if I wanted to stay or just looking for friends.
I found a few, but the music wasn't interesting enough for me to linger and listen to more than a song at a time. Not that it was bad, and old Ozzy seemed to have a lot of energy. He ran around a few times and did his thing, but it was just not me. It started to drip a bit and I had changed into warmer clothes finally and found that Biergarden probably was the better choice for me. Still, that Ozzy fellow is a funny guy.
After that I had a few beers and we meet up again, but only for a short time. Instead I went to see a few songs from Red Warsawa, that had been given a larger stage and it kinda worked. The party they had was really great and many thought that Black Sabbath only was the warm up band for this crazy Danish act of satire heavy metal band. At one point I was in the beer tent close by and as usually, the frontsinger, crowdsurfed from the stage into the beer tent all the way up to the bar. Now that's a good way to end a gig! I was standing and suddenly I look and “Lækre Jens/ Handsome Jens (because he ain't)” was coming, so I said, “Hey Jens” and laughed a bit. Crazy guy.
The concerts was over and people had fled into tents. A good friend of mine came by amd we talked and walked and of course I was a bit happy to see him and as i jumped a bit I've slipped in a crowd of plastic cups and hit my head into the ground. CopenHell for me this year was almost a “no go” and I laughed a bit, but hell it was hurting. A few drunken moments after I was on my way home and thinking, maybe I should hit a bar. I just wished I hadn't, but that's another story. I didn't see any crazy religious people this year in front of the entrance. It really felt like something was missing from the beginning and not only my phone and credit card, but in general a strange CopenHell.
Thanks CopenHell, it was a tough fight, good, but I was in the end very happy it had come to and end.
Until next time!
Written by Federico Escobar