+ Occult Black Night +
Published on November 15th, 2015
Occult Black Metal night took place on November 12th in 2015 in the club named Exit, as it was already known it’s a host to all variety of extreme bands, but I think this is the first time we got a full black metal set that night. Was it good? Well, mostly it was, but uneven would be the right for what occurred that night.
At the concert at hand, this marks the first gig of Saturnian Mist in Croatia under the banner of their European tour called Chaos is the Law and promoting their new albumChaos magick which was released by Candlelight record.
The first band Okultum started quite late, in 22:30 and by the decorations on stage you would think they are the band of the fucking evening: two upside-down crosses, candles, pentagram and the huge band logo behind. How they all fitted on that tiny stage is beyond me. But they accomplished what they wanted, the atmosphere is there, covered with an eerie intro the show started with the song Zloba do groba. The sound was quite tight and raw, especially the guitars. Although there is considered a more traditional black metal approach it has some progressive elements to keep it unpredictable. Of all players on stage the biggest thumbs up goes to the replacement drummer that pretty much destroyed the drums, the double bass sounded fucking massive.
Standout tracks were Black Circle and cover from Marduk; The Black Tormentor of Satan.

Around midnight Wasteland hit the stage. Formed in Beli Manastir back in 2005, in the beginning Wasteland played only primitive black metal, and as the time progressed more viking/folk influence was introduced in the play style. So far they have released two demos Of battles and shadows in 2008 and Mračne dveri Baranje in 2011 and a full-length Slava palim ratnicima in 2015. Despite the fact the half of the band was sick that night and that there were no sound check for the band pulled of quite well, especially on the part of vocalist who screamed his ass off on stage. Off all bands they got the rawest sound that night but it fitted with their more primitive black metal.

Saturnian Mist started around 1 a.m. and unfortunately the crowd got smaller having in mind that is Thursdays and some of us greasy-haired fuckers have jobs tomorrow in the morning. Nevertheless, after and impressive intro with two drums the band kicked off as they were playing in front one thousand people.
The band greatly combined two drums and two vocalist giving a big boost in their already tight performance incorporating more of a death metal influenced black metal with strong rhythms on drums. Personally the best song was Chaos Unchained of the new album and The Regicide from the Gnostikoi Ha-Shaitan album as a one of the last songs from their set.

Written by Tomislav Debelić
Photo by Kristina Trupeljak & Sistem
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Despite the concert could have been better organized and got a better date, all in all the bands pulled it off pretty much solid and this should happen again definitely.
Till the next Occult black metal night, stay heavy.